
Boost Margin Efficiency with our Innovative Pricing Structure


Aggressive Routers

TimeRoute Route Remove LiquidityAdd LiquidityRoute AwayStrategy Description
4:00am to 8:00pmGuardian Smart*N/A0.0019-0.00230.0019Default Routing for Market, Limit, STOP Routes. Utilizes Velocity-managed destinations to maximize cost-effective routing for all market sessions. STOP orders will not trigger outside market hours
9:30am to 4:00pmVTRD*GTVTRD
0.0017-0.00230.0017High Liquidity Router, Accesses Off-Exchange Liquidity providers as well as ECNs to provide a high Fill rate and high rebate simultaneously.
9:30am to 4:00pmVFANGTVFAN
0.0032-0.0020.0032Pings Major Exchanges and Dark Pools simultaneously to maximize Liquidity access. Utilizes IOC order types to minimize market impact and supports max floor settings to keep shares hidden.
4:00am to 8:00pmANGO*GTANGO
0.0019-0.00220.0019Velocity destination offering high fill rates and liquidity rebates based on market conditions. Accesses off-exchange liquidity to reduce costs to the trader.
4:00am to 8:00pmJOVV*GTJOVV
0.0019-0.00230.002Aggressive Route that utilizes off-exchange liquidity for cost-effective fills. Also posts to ECN on your behalf passing thru High rebates for passive orders
4:00am to 8:00pmLSTSPGTLSTSP
0.00375-0.0020.00375Sweeps Major Exchanges during all Market Sessions assisting in finding Liquidity outside of Market hours.
4:00am to 8:00pmTLML*GTTLML
0.0019-0.00220.0019Velocity destination that accesses Displayed and Non-Displayed Liquidity to allow aggressive and passive trading simultaneously.
9:30am to 4:00pmSPDRXGTSPDRX
0.002-0.00150.002High Liquidity Router for NMS securities
9:30am to 4:00pmHEATGTHEAT
0.00150.00150.0015High Liquidity router hits both DARK and Lit Markets

ECN & Exchange Access

Remove LiquidityAdd LiquidityRoute AwayStrategy Description
4:00am to 8:00pmARCAGTARCA
0.003-0.00220.0035Direct route to ARCA enabling higher rebates offered
7:00am to 8:00pmBYXGTBYX
-0.00050.0030.003Direct to Bats BYX Exchange
7:00am to 8:00pmBZXGTBZX
0.003-0.0020.003Direct to BATS BZX Exchange
7:00am to 8:00pmEDGXGTEDGX
0.003-0.0010.0035EDGX Exchange
7:00am to 8:00pmEDGAGTEDGA
-0.0010.0030.0035EDGA Exchange
8:00am to 5:00pmIEXVGTIEXV
0.00150.001NAIEX “Investors Exchange”. IEX Exchange delivers the ECN trading experience at a lower cost. Take advantage of IEX’s increasing midpoint liquidity to expand your trading.
4:00am to 8:00pmNQBXGTNQBX
-0.0010.0030.0035Direct to Nasdaq BX exchange
4:00am to 8:00pmNSDQGTNSDQ
0.003-0.00220.0035Direct to Nasdaq Exchange
9:30am to 4:00pmOTCXGTOTCX
0.0040.0040.004Direct To OTCX Exchange $.0001 for fills priced below $1

Dark Liquidity Aggregators

TimeRouteRouteRemove LiquidityAdd LiquidityRoute AwayStrategy Description
9:30am to 4:00pmDARKGTDARK
0.00170.00170.0017Dark Pool Access offering High Liquidity Access
9:30am to 4:00pmSHDWGTSHDW
Shadow Route, Sweeps Hidden Midpoint Liquidity and Rests Hidden on Major Exchanges.
9:30am to 4:00pmGDMXGTGDMX
0.0020.0020.002Dark Pool Aggregator designed for High Fill Rates
9:30am to 4:00 pmDKSWGTDKSW
0.00250.00250.0025Dark Pool Sweep Strategy, Utilizes Probe and Resting orders to attempt to minimize Market Impact

Midpoint and Algo Specialty Routes

Remove LiquidityAdd LiquidityRoute AwayStrategy Description
9:30am to 4:30pmIEXDGTIEXD
0.00150.0010NAUtilizes Discretionary Peg (D-PEG) Order Type at IEX. Dark order type, Assists Trader in Optimizing Executions within the Spread.

9:30am to 4:00pm
0.00150.001NAVelocity Midpoint Route, designed to execute orders at the midpoint during market hours.
9:30am to 4:00pm
Accesses multiple MidPoint Destinations offering maximum liquidity
4:00am to 8:00pmVPOSTGTVPOST
0.0020.0020.002Velocity Route built for Pre Market and Post Market Access, also available during market hours.
9:30am to 4:30pmALGO0.00250.00250.0025Guardian Trading ALGO Suite
9:30am to 4:00pm
.003.003.003Smart Router that Pegs Orders to Near Side of Spread plus 1 Tick allowing more effective Trading within Wider Spreads
9:20am to 4:00pmVWAP*GTPO
0.00250.00250.0025Customizable router designed to Fill at Volume Weighted Average Price
9:20am to 4:00pmTWAP*GTFRVWAP
0.00250.00250.0025Customizable router designed to Fill at an Average Price corresponding to a user defined time period.
9:20am to 4:00pmTWAP5*GTFRTWAP
0.00250.00250.0025Customizable router designed to Fill at an Average Price in 5 minute defined time period. Accepts orders at 9:20, only executes during market hours.
9:20am to 4:00pmTWAP10*N/A
0.00250.00250.0025Customizable router designed to Fill at an Average Price in 10 minute defined time period
9:20am to 4:00pmTWAP20*N/A
0.00250.00250.0025Customizable router designed to Fill at an Average Price in 20 minute defined time period
9:20am to 4:00pmTWAP30*GTFRVWAP30
0.00250.00250.0025Customizable router designed to Fill at an Average Price in 30 minute defined time period
Remove LiquidityAdd LiquidityRoute AwayStrategy Description
9:30am to 4:00pmMDRK

Utilizes an Arrival Price Strategy to Source Dark Liquidty at Midpoint and Rests Non-Displayed On-Exchange. Offers " I would" Sweep functionality.
9:30am to 4:00pmDTCH
Arrival Price Strategy Accessing a Full Spread of Dark Venues and Order Types to enhance liquidity access. Offers " I would" Sweep functionality
9:30am to 4:00pm
Functions as a Dark VWAP to source high Quality Dark Liquidity to complete orders with an Arrival Price Benchmark.
*Guardian SMART pricing reflects highest possible cost and lowest possible rebate during market hours. For Pre-Market and Post Market sessions please see pricing for ARCA, EDGX, NSDQ routes
“Rates above only apply to NMS symbols =>$1.00 executed during Core Market
hours, charges could exceed what is listed above for executions in stocks below $1.”
*Rebates on JOVV, VTRD, TLML, ANGO route apply to fills on ARCA and EDGX only
*TWAP and VWAP orders will be accepted starting at 9:20 to ensure opening auction participation if desired. Will not execute outside market hours.